1. Bing Zhao's Homepage - CMU School of Computer Science
My general research interests include the development of statistical machine translation and machine learning techniques.
I defended my Ph.D. dissertation in Aug. 2007; I am now with IBM T.J. Watson Research. Before that I was in Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. I was one of the members in InterAct Lab, led by Prof. Alex Waibel. I also worked closely with my co-advisors Stephan Vogel and Eric P. Xing.
2. BING ZHAO - National Science Foundation
SBIR Phase I: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Aided Part Identification for Coordinate Measuring Machines · ZHAO, B. (PI). OPTIC FRINGE CORP. 01/15/23 → 05/31/24.
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3. Bing Zhao | DeepAI
Read Bing Zhao's latest research, browse their coauthor's research, and play around with their algorithms.
4. Bin Zhao - OpenReview
Bin Zhao. Young Scientist, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Labortory. Associate Professor, Northwest Polytechnical University Xi'an. Joined March 2022. Names.
Bin Zhao (Preferred)
5. Bing Zhao's C.V. - CMU School of Computer Science
EDUCATION. Ph.D. in Language Technologies, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007 "Statistical Alignment Models for Translational Equivalence"; ...
See Alsoيا بعده (2021) 4K Movie DownloadStatistical Alignment Models for Translational Equivalence:
6. Bing Zhao | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Bing Zhao | IEEE Xplore Author Details. Bing Zhao. Affiliation. Shandong ... artificial intelligence and similar technologies. IEEE Account. Change ...
Your support ID is: 8203162004822582644.
7. Bin Zhao, Associate Professor-光电与智能研究院(iOPEN)
Bin Zhao is now an associate professor in the School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and ElectroNics (iOPEN). His research includes both software and ...
Personal Profile Bin Zhao, Associate ProfessorScholar Homepages:[Google Scholar] | [DBLP]Research Interests: Stable Imaging, Computer Vision, Camera-in-the-loopContact Address: 127 West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi'an 710072, Shaanxi, P.R. ChinaZip Code:710072E-mail:bin@nwpu.edu.cnAbout Me:Bin Zhao is now an associate professor in the School of Artificial Intelligence, OPtics and E...
8. Bing Zhao Email & Phone Number | PhD. | AI/ML Lead Scientist
To contact Bing Zhao send an email at bingzhao@gmail.com or bing.zhao@zoom.us.
9. Bing Zhao - IAM Media
Artificial Intelligence · Automotive · Banking & Financial Services · Internet ... Bing Zhao. China editor, IAM (until May 2022). bing.zhao@lbresearch.com ...
IAM is a unique and timely intelligence service that treats IP as a business asset and tool rather than simply as a legal right, informing boardrooms worldwide.
10. Author: Bin Zhao | NVIDIA Technical Blog
Bin Zhao. Posts by Bin Zhao. Computer Vision / Video Analytics 10 Aug 15, 2023. Customizing AI Models: Train Character Detection and Recognition Models with ...
Bin Zhao is a senior system software engineer at NVIDIA, focusing on perception algorithms development for automotive driving, intelligent video analytics, and robotics. He holds a master’s degree in…